THE LONELY LITTLE LIGHTHOUSE and I have been on a journey of FIRSTS.
2017-2019 - We first decided her story might make a great little picture book. Together we spent hours researching, writing and re-writing about her history and remembering times we spent together when I was growing up in Sandy Point, Nova Scotia.
2019 (July) - We decided to make a FIRST try at finding a publishing "home" for her story at the Read by the Sea Festival "Pitch the Publisher" event in River John, Nova Scotia.
2019 (October) - we opened our inbox and found our FIRST ever publishing offer, from Nimbus Publishing, with a contract to read, sign and return. You can imagine our delight at hitting the send button with our wholehearted acceptance!
2019-2022 - we have had our FIRST experiences, over three years, with the publication process. We have learned so much. Editing, emails, illustrations, publicity/promoting, interviews, website design and so much more exciting and somewhat scary experiences. We have loved every part of our book journey so far.
2022 - we have made many FIRST, and we sincerely hope lasting, relationships with publishers, publicists, book lovers, book sellers, illustrators and supportive FIRST people in our lives.
This week we received our FIRST review! Sarah, you have made our hearts sing with your kind and generous thoughts about the story. We can never thank you enough.
2022 - THE LONELY LITTLE LIGHTHOUSE and I are now going on our FIRST public outing together. How wonderful to participate in the Read by the Sea Festival as part of their Wordplay for children on July 1st. It feels so special to go to the Festival where we made our FIRST public talk about our relationship. We hope you will join us there. We can not wait to meet you!
